General provisions

SPA CHEZ VOUS is an online platform dedicated to beauty and wellness services such as massages, yoga, personal training, hairstyle and make-up, and is accessible at the website address The online booking of service is quick and easy, and it is available at any time, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The attention to quality of services is very high, the customer experience is carefully supervised and cared for and the online payments are managed securely.

1.1 Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 49 of the Consumer Code, we inform you that the owner of the website and the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform, as well as the provider of the SPA CHEZ VOUS Services (as defined below) is SPA CHEZ VOUS SRL, VAT number 07869040720, with headquarters in Gioia del Colle (BA), Vicinale Parco Della Corte, 5340 (the “Supplier”) and any communication and/or request and/or complaint relating to the Spa Chez Vous services can be sent to the following e-mail address, or, alternatively, via Certified Electronic Mail (CEM) to

1.2 We invite users to carefully read these general terms and conditions (the “General Conditions”) which govern the use of the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform and the Services offered via this platform. It is an indispensable condition for the Customer to be able to validly use SPA CHEZ VOUS Services.
The General Conditions include the clauses, legal notice, information or disclaimer published on the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform, as well as the terms referred to through links on this page, including the Terms and Conditions. Access, navigation and use of the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform and its freely accessible functions, constitutes the acceptance of the General Conditions which do not require any registration to the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform and therefore entails the obligation to comply with them. If the users do not intend to accept the General Conditions, we invite them not to use the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform, nor the related Services.


2.1 Customer: is a natural person who buys SPA CHEZ VOUS Services;

2.2 Privacy Policy: indicates the conditions of use of the personal data that the Customer is obliged to accept in order to use SPA CHEZ VOUS Services;

2.3 Contract: defines the relationship between the Supplier and the Customer in regards to the provision of SPA CHEZ VOUS Services and governed by these General Conditions;

2.4 Fitness Data: indicates any information relating to the state of health, physical condition and state of form of the Customer transmitted in any form and in any medium;

2.5 Duration: indicates the duration of the Service;

2.6 SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform: is the platform owned by the Supplier, including the website, through which the Customer purchases SPA CHEZ VOUS Services from the Supplier;

2.7 Booking: refers to the booking of the Service made online by the Customer;

2.8 Final Price: is the price actually paid by the Customer for the purchase of the Service or the Package, including statutory VAT, if due;

2.9 Professional: is the professional who meets the necessary requirements and/or has the necessary qualifications for the performance of the Service and who, in the exercise of their professional activity, provides the Service and concludes the Service Purchase Agreement with the Customer;

2.10 Service: means the service offered by the Company through the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform and performed by the Professional to the Customer. Depending on its characteristics, the Service may be carried out by the Professional at home of the Customer, in an accommodation facility or online. The Service, with the exception of individual Services, may be purchased by the Customer individually or as part of a package of Services (the “Package”);

2.11 Spa Chez Vous Website: refers to the website

Characteristics of the Services

3.1 The characteristics of the Services are described on SPA CHEZ VOUS website. The Customer must specify these details on SPA CHEZ VOUS  website:

  • the Duration of the desired Service;
  • the type of the requested Service;
  • the Professional;
  • the place, date and time of the Service.

3.2 The Customer will find the Final Price of the Service indicated on SPA CHEZ VOUS      ebsite.

Purchase of a Service on SPA CHEZ VOUS website. Purchase of a Package.

4.1. To proceed with the purchase of a Service, the Customer must do the following:

  • The Customer must select a Service (massage, class, make-up, hairstyle).
  • Select the date, duration and specialist for the Service being booked, enter the data requested and click on the “Book” button (or similar) on the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform. This way the Customer will complete the Reservation.
  • The Reservation constitutes a Service request that is concluded when SPA CHEZ VOUS registers and accepts the PURCHASE by sending the PURCHASE Confirmation, after verifying that the data relating to the order is correct and the payment has been made; the acceptance of the Reservation (“Acceptance”) will be communicated by email and/or text message.
  • With the communication of the Acceptance sent to the Customer, the Service Purchase Agreement will be considered concluded and the Supplier will send an email to the Customer summarizing the essential conditions of the Service and containing the information regarding the chosen Professional.

4.2 Once the Order Confirmation has been issued by SPA CHEZ VOUS, the Order can no longer be modified.

Billing and payment

5.1. The Final Price depends on the type and the Duration of the Service requested.

5.2. The Final Price must be paid by the Customer to SPA CHEZ VOUS. The Customer, therefore, will not have to pay any sum directly to the Professional in relation to the Service.

5.3 At the moment of Booking, where the payment is made by a credit card or a similar payment method, the Customer will have the amount corresponding to the Final Price reserved. The amount thus reserved will be charged upon the completion of the Service Purchase Agreement in accordance with the Article 4 above.

5.4 The Customer is required to notify the Supplier of any anomalous or undue charge, as soon as they become aware of it, in order to allow the Supplier to carry out the appropriate checks.

5.5 If the payment for the Service is unsuccessful, the Customer will be notified and will be given the instructions on how to proceed with the payment of the Final Price.

5.6 In the event of the return/refund request, for any reason including those provided for by these General Conditions or by applicable legal provisions, the Supplier should proceed with the return/refund of the amount already paid by the Customer and will notify the Customer of the timing provided for obtaining the reimbursement which will be made using the same payment method that was used when paying the Final Price.

5.7 In no case SPA CHEZ VOUS will be able to view and/or acquire the information relating to the payment card entered by the CUSTOMER during the conclusion of the Order. Following the payment by the method chosen by the CUSTOMER, a message confirming the processed payment will be displayed on the Website, or an error message which specifies that provided payment details have not been accepted by the electronic payment system will be shown. In the event of any anomaly which occurs during the conclusion of the Order, the CUSTOMER may contact SPA CHEZ VOUS customer service (

5.8 Payment for the services purchased on SPA CHEZ VOUS Website is made via Paypal or by any credit card linked to Maestro, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Visa or V-Pay networks, in total safety, freedom and flexibility. SPA CHEZ VOUS undertakes to ensure that the provided payment system is always available and functioning. However SPA CHEZ VOUS cannot guarantee continuous and uninterrupted access. For more information about the payment system, the Customer is encouraged to check the conditions of use of the chosen payment service.

Service Package

6.1 In addition to a single Service, the Customer can purchase a Package of Services (“Package”) intended as a set of multiple Services. The purchase of a Package takes place in the same manner as referred to in the Article 4 above of these General Conditions. The Customer chooses the day for the Service to be carried out based on the availability of the chosen specialist.

Right of withdrawal

7.1 If the ordered service is not available, the Customer will be promptly informed by email and/or mobile phone and the purchase Order (and the related Order Confirmation) will be canceled (with consequent reimbursement by SPA CHEZ VOUS of the paid amount). If the ordered service specified in the Order Confirmation is only available partially, the Customer can evaluate whether to cancel the entire Order (with consequent reimbursement by SPA CHEZ VOUS of the paid amount) or whether to confirm any available part specified in the Order Confirmation (with consequent reimbursement of the remaining part of the price).

7.2 Furthermore, pursuant to art. 59, paragraph 1 of the Consumer Code, and in regards to the Service Purchase Agreement where the same applies to the Services in relation to leisure activities for a specific date or period of execution, the right of withdrawal is not applicable. In other cases, however, the right of withdrawal will prevail, to be exercised in the manner referred to in the following article.

7.3 SPA CHEZ VOUS updates the Website and these General Conditions on a regular basis and has the right to modify the content at any time.

7.4 Minors under the age of 18 are not authorized to purchase products through the Website unless the purchase involves a parent or a legal guardian. SPA CHEZ VOUS reserves the right in any case to refuse the Orders from Users under the age of 18.

7.5 In the event of the selected specialist no longer being available, SPA CHEZ VOUS will contact the Customer to resolve the problem and find the best solution.

7.6 In case of cancellation more than 24 hours before the appointment, SPA CHEZ VOUS does not charge any costs. For cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice, there is a charge of 50% of the price of the canceled service. For cancellations that occur within 4 hours or less prior to the appointment, the full cost of the treatment will be charged. If the CUSTOMER does not show up to the appointment, the full amount of the chosen treatment will be charged.

7.7 It is important that the start time of the booked service is scrupulously respected. SPA CHEZ VOUS has set a small delay allowance (15 minutes), beyond which the appointment must unfortunately be canceled in order to prevent further delays detrimental to subsequent customers. In this case, the cost of the missed service is also charged to the customer.

7.8 Each Customer is personally responsible for verifying that their physical and mental health condition is suitable for carrying out a Service by consulting medical specialists. The Supplier is not a medical organization and does not provide any medical advice or diagnosis or medical assistance. In general, nothing contained on SPA CHEZ VOUS Website should be interpreted as a form of medical advice or diagnosis that replaces the opinion of a specialized doctor who has the possibility to evaluate the individual specific Customer case.

Information on processing of personal data

8.1 Pursuant to and for the purposes of Art. 13 of the New European Regulation 2016/679 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION – GDPR) as required by the General Regulation of the Protection of Personal Data of the European Union (GDPR 2016/679, Article 13), before proceeding with the data processing, the CUSTOMER (user of the website) is informed that the personal data collected through the website is processed by the Company through IT and/or telematic tools, for the purposes indicated in this information. To this end, the CUSTOMER is submitted to the Privacy Policy prepared by SPA CHEZ VOUS, the creator and promoter of the activities available on the website

8.2 The Data Controller of personal data is SPA CHEZ VOUS, with the registered office in Vicinale Parco della Corte n. 5340 Gioia del Colle 70023 BARI VAT number 07869040720.

The personal data provided by the user when browsing the website is processed by the Supplier in accordance with current personal data protection regulations.

The legal basis of the personal data processing is identified in the provision of services by the Company, in the management of the website, as well as in the constitution, execution and possible termination of the online sales contract concluded between the parties and in the obligations to the same contract connected and/or deriving directly and/or indirectly from the same.

The processing of personal data by SPA CHEZ VOUS is aimed at pursuing the following:

8.2.1 SUBSCRIPTION TO THE NEWSLETTER OF SPA CHEZ VOUS.IT: in the event of the user deciding to subscribe to the “Newsletter of SPA CHEZ VOUS.IT”, only after a specific possible consent, the personal data will be processed by Data Controller for sending commercial or promotional communications and updates relating to special events and promotions. To unsubscribe from the newsletter, simply click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the received emails.

8.2.2 SERVICE PURCHASE ACTIVITIES: the personal data provided will be used for the purpose of establishing, managing, executing and/or concluding the online sales contract. The data provided will be processed by the Data Controller for the purpose of managing the purchase order with reference, for example, to the payment activity.

8.2.3 PROFILING OF THE PHYSICAL PERSON: only after a possible and explicit consent, the personal data provided may be processed by the Data Controller for profiling activities, or for the analysis of preferences aimed at creating customized content and offers.

8.3 The personal data processed by SPA CHEZ VOUS is provided by the user when browsing the website, in case of a registration/commitment to the services/programs made available by SPA CHEZ VOUS and/or any purchase of SERVICES made available by SPA CHEZ VOUS, such as, for example: name, surname and email address, in addition to the data necessary for the provision of the online sales service such as, for example, functional data for the execution of a refund.

8.4 The processing of personal data is carried out by SPA CHEZ VOUS in compliance with the provisions of current legislation on privacy. SPA CHEZ VOUS carries out the processing of personal data using IT and/or telematic tools and uses organizational and logical methods strictly related to the pursuit of the purposes indicated in this information, as well as adopting the appropriate security measures in order to prevent access, disclosure, unauthorized modification or destruction of personal data, its loss and illicit and incorrect use. However, the Company cannot guarantee its CUSTOMERS that the measures adopted for the website security and the transmission of data and information on the website can limit or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or dispersion of data by devices pertaining to the user. For this reason, the CUSTOMER is advised to make sure that their computer is equipped with software suitable for the protection of data transmission over the network (for example, updated antivirus software) and that their Internet Provider has adopted suitable measures for the secure data transmission. The Company also undertakes to process the data according to the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, to collect the data for the necessary and exact purposes of processing and to allow its use only by authorized personnel. The management and storage of the acquired personal data will take place in the archives or on the servers located within the European Union owned by the Data Controller and/or by the third-party companies appointed as External Data Processors and, in any case, currently located in Italy.

In relation to the different purposes for which it is collected, personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve those purposes and, in any case, in compliance with the relevant regulations in force.

In any case, the Company will make sure to avoid the use of the data indefinitely by proceeding, on a periodic basis, with appropriate verification of its effective persistence to the interest of the subject it refers to.

8.5 The data collected will not be disseminated in any way, but will be processed within the limits and for the purposes defined to the employees of the Company on the basis of adequate operating instructions (for example, administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, etc.).

8.6 The data controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time by giving notice to users on the website www.SPACHEZVOUS.IT. Therefore, please consult this page often, referring to the date of the last modification indicated at the end of the document. In the event of non-acceptance of the changes made to this Privacy Policy, the interested party may request the Data Controller to delete their personal data. Unless otherwise specified, the previous Privacy Policy will continue to apply to personal data collected up to that time.

Privacy policy updated on 25/01/2021

Intellectual property and distinctive signs

9.1 The CHEZ VOUS SPA Platform is the exclusive property of the SPA CHEZ VOUS SRL Company.
All the material available on the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform, including and not limited to, for example, distinctive signs, informative material, texts, still or moving images, graphic elaborations, databases, relevant documentation, as well as the way in which the content is presented and formed, are the exclusive property of the Company or its assignors/licensors and are protected by Italian and international intellectual and industrial property laws. The user acknowledges that, except for the operations strictly necessary for the use of the Services, the reproduction, duplication, copying, sale, framing, resale, exploitation in any form, whether by way of consideration free of charge, for commercial purposes, of all or individual parts, of SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform without the prior written authorization of the Company is prohibited and will be considered for all legal purposes a violation of the intellectual and industrial property legislation.
Any use of the SPA CHEZ VOUS Platform for purposes and/or by methods other than those indicated in these General Conditions is considered unauthorized by the Company. The Company reserves the right to pursue any unauthorized use, or the use contrary to the law in any way, in the appropriate civil and criminal judicial offices.

Applicable law and competent court

10.1 These General Conditions are governed and regulated by Italian law. For the resolution of disputes relating to the interpretation, execution or resolution of these General Conditions or of each individual Order if the CUSTOMER is a consumer pursuant to the Consumer Code, the court of the municipality of residence or domicile of the CUSTOMER, if located in the Italian territory will be exclusively held competent; in all other cases, the Court of BARI will have exclusive jurisdiction.